May 16, 1969 - Present
is an American television host
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Honestly, a lot of liberals are foot soldiers in the war on Christmas.
Christianity isn't dead. It still has the capacity to scare people. It still gives people the creeps, which means there is still some power behind the religion, as sort of watered down as it can be.
\'The man who alters his way of thinking to suit others is a fool.\' Our quote of the day is, from of all people, the Marquis de Sade, the most infamous writer in all of French literature. And by the way, if you recognized that quote, you're sick.
I'm for moral blackmail when it comes to putting away child molesters.
I'm not for drunk driving - however, the states ought to decide. Different states have different penalties for drunk driving because they're states and they get to do that. If people of one state want to be lighter on drunk drivers, they're wrong. That's their business.
I will say, the one thing Mexico does well is punish prisoners. They do. They're good at that.
I'm not for cutting off hands but I'm more for cutting off hands than I am for molesting children, if that's what it takes to stop it. I think that's fair.
I'm a small government conservative.
Europeans take their soccer pretty seriously. So, when this Turkish TV host had the nerve to criticize the local team, the fans decided to do something about it, something like storm the TV studio during a live show.
I think Canadians, they may be offended that I pointed out that they're stalking us. But at least we're paying attention.
I think I always stand up for what I believe in.
Everybody knows that only creeps put cameras in the bathroom.
Every single comedian in Canada is now living in the United States.
Canada, by others in the global family, is, for some reason, taken seriously. They have about 30 million people. They have some natural resources.
We have the - the longest, friendliest border, you know, for the - for the longest time in the history - in recorded history, really, with Canada. And they get to sit on their moral perch, you know, take the moral high ground, say, oh, United States, shame on you about Iraq. They make us look bad internationally. And it's really not fair.
I very much like \'Canada, the adults are talking\' stance.
England, Australia, Israel, a few staunch, important allies internationally. But we have lost a lot of international support.
Anybody who sides with Canada internationally in a debate between the U.S. and Canada, say, Belgium, is somebody whose opinion we shouldn't care about in the first place.
Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That is Canada.
Anybody with any ambition at all, or intelligence, has left Canada and is now living in New York.
Canada thinks we're married; we don't know it exists. Every time we tell Canada to knock it off, it just feeds the fire.
Canada has little pictures of us in its bedroom, right? Canada spends all of its time thinking about the United States, obsessing over the United States. It's unrequited love between Canada and the United States.
That great philosopher anonymous once said, never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
I'm in the business of value judgments .
All of a sudden, people are going to decide they want to go micro, everything's smaller.
Television and the way we watch is going to change dramatically in the next year.
Bush's America. I wish we had more time. I didn't even vote for him the second time, and I feel like I got to defend him.
So that all the people who say, you know, \'All the media hates America.\' A lot of the media does hate America but this is a case of, actually, the press doing its best, I think, to do the right by national security. So good for them.
Antiwar protestors actually sabotaged and caused a huge amount of damage to military installations and military property during the war. I'm related to someone who caused some of that damage. I mean, it was real. I mean, there was a reason. I'm not defending it, but I'm saying it was not because they didn't like the politics of the protesters. The protesters were violent in a lot of cases.
I trust the federal government not to trample on civil liberties.