Jan 25, 1759 - Jul 21, 1796
a Scottish poet
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Gin a body meet a body Coming thro' the rye, Gin a body kiss a bodyЂ' Need a body cry?
Now Simmer blinks on flowery braes, <br />And o'er the chrystal streamlets plays; <br />Come let us spend the lightsome days <br />In the birks of Aberfeldy.
Now simmer blinks on flowery braes, And o'er the crystal streamlet plays.
Once upon a Lammas Night<br />When corn rigs are bonny,<br />Beneath the Moon's unclouded light, <br />I held awhile to Annie...<br />The time went by with careless heed<br />Between the late and early,<br />With small persuasion she agreed<br />To see me through the barley...<br />Corn rigs and barley rigs,<br />Corn rigs are bonny!<br />I'll not forget that happy night<br />Among the rigs with Annie!
But of all Nonsense, Religious Nonsense is the most nonsensical; so enough, & more than enough of it - Only, by the bye, will you, or can you tell me, my dear Cunningham, why a religioso turn of mind has always a tendency to narrow and illiberalise the heart?
On Earth, Discord! A gloomy Heaven above, opening her jealous gates to the nineteen thousandth part of the tithe of mankind! And below, an inescapable & inexorable Hell, expanding its leviathan jaws for the vast residue of Mortals!
They never sought in vain that sought the Lord alright!
Critics! Those cut-throat bandits in the paths of fame.
Just now I've taen the fit o' rhyme / My barmie noddle's working prime.
And let us mind, faint heart ne'er wan A lady fair. Wha does the utmost that he can Will whyles do mair.
She is a winsome wee thing, She is a handsome wee thing, She is a bonny wee thing, This sweet wee wife o' mine.
John Barleycorn was a hero bold, Of noble enterprise, For if you do but taste his blood, 'Twill make your courage rise, Twill make a man forget his wo; 'Twill heighten all his joy.
What's done we partly may compute, But know not what's resisted.
What's a' your jargon o' your schools, Your Latin names for horns and stools; If honest nature made you fools.
Yon rose-buds in the morning-dew, How pure amang the leaves sae green!
Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes, Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise.
Farewell, my friends! farewell, my foes! My peace with these, my love with those. The bursting tears my heart declare; Farewell, the bonnie banks of Ayr.
Mankind is an unco squad And muckle he may grieve thee.
The rank is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that.
A prince can mak a belted knight, A marquis, duke, and a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might: Guid faith, he maunna fa' that.
Oh, stay, sweet warbling woodlark, stay, Nor quit for me the trembling spray, A hapless lover courts thy lay, Thy soothing, fond complaining.
Even thou who mournst the daisy's fate, That fate is thine--no distant date; Stern Ruin's ploughshare drives, elate, Full on thy bloom, Till crushed beneath the furrow's weight Shall be thy doom!
It is cruelty to be humane to rebels, and humanity is cruelty.
I'll be merry and free, I'll be sad for nae-body; If nae-body cares for me, I'll care for nae-body.
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But facts are chiels that winna ding,<br />An' downa be disputed.
But to see her was to love her, Love but her, and love forever. Had we never lou'd sae kindly, Had we never lou'd sae blindly, Never met - or never parted - We had ne'er been broken hearted
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.
The trout in yonder wimpling burn - That glides, a silver dart, - And, safe beneath the shady thorn, - Defies the anglers art...
The lightly-jumping, glowrin' trouts, That thro' my waters play...