Jan 12, 1951 - Feb 17, 2021
American radio host, conservative political commentator and political leader
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Has everybody forgotten the media, the Democrat drumbeat for the last eight years prior to Barack Obama\'s immaculation? Where were the complaints about negativity then? I mean, in the last eight years prior to 2008, we had a political party in this country rooting for America to lose at war.
But there\'s a lot of them that had that exact reaction, who had never heard Trump speak before. And I remember when I said this after [Donald] Trump\'s speech, I had a lot of emails. \"Come, Rush! It\'s not... People aren\'t that segregated anymore.\" Don\'t doubt me on this. The left, you do not know how they sequester themselves.
If you\'ve been preached to, if you\'ve been educated, if you\'ve been raised to believe that America is the most racist, the most disgustingly vile nation in the history of the world, and you are white, then you can inoculate yourself. You can immunize yourself from being associated with that aspect of American history because you are white, by becoming anti-American, anti-this and anti-that.
Dr. Benjamin Carson is one of the finest, most accomplished human beings on this planet who has done more for people than most people in politics will ever do. And he\'s done it personally, not with other people\'s money.
There\'s no question that the media today has a relationship with Barack Obama that... I can\'t say it\'s unique, because the modern-day media is the Democrat Party and their objective is to advance the Democrat Party agenda as well as try to discredit any opposing agenda, which would be us and the Republicans. But the relationship they\'ve got with Obama is above and beyond that.
Barack Obama has come to divide, and he succeeded. This country has never been more divided. Well, throw out the Civil War, but in the modern times this country has never been more divided.
To then say that our own actions in combating evil have led to evil, is nothing more than saying, \"Islamic terrorists are somewhat justified, at least we can understand why they hate us because we\'ve done things to make them hate us. ... We have been evil ourselves, and we are evil and that justifies them being evil.\"
The media is not about the arena of ideas. The media is not about persuading. The media is about overcoming the will of the people. The media has joined forces with the Democrat Party, members of the Democrat Party, and the extreme radical left in the United States to advance the extreme radical leftist agenda.
At what point in human history, when was the last time it was possible for any human being to know everything that was known at that time? For example, it is humanly impossible for any human being to know everything now. So how are we gonna define smart?
North Carolina was never a battleground state until recently. Now it is, and it\'s because of migration from the Northeast.
I want people to enjoy reaching out and making their dreams come true.
There are people who disagree with the left, and that will not be tolerated. People who disagree with them, whether they are high judges, whether they are prosecutors, whether they are average ordinary every day citizens, it will not be tolerated.
Go look at what any liberal says about anybody they disagree with, and especially conservatives, the first thing you\'re gonna hear them talk about is hate, too much hate. Then you\'ll hear racist, and then bigoted, and automatically homophobic, intolerant. Just go down the list. And they all believe it about any conservative alive. And, in many of their cases, about any Republican alive.
The headline in the Washington Post: \"Democrats Confident They Can Block Trump\'s Agenda After Spending Bill Win.\" They think now they can stop Donald Trump\'s agenda for the next 3-1/2 years. They\'ve shown how to do it. The agenda tied to the budget. The budget tied to government shutdowns. The Republicans cave at the first mention of a government shutdown; ergo, they\'ve shut down Trump. That\'s what they\'re thinking.
Donald Trump is a genuine outsider.
Has Donald Trump ever called himself a populist? I don\'t think Donald Trump\'s ever called himself a populist. I think other people have called him a populist, and other people have called Steve Bannon a populist. But I don\'t think Trump\'s ever called himself that and he may not know what one is, within the political realm or definition. He\'s not a political person, and that I think is leading to many people having just a devil of a time translating the guy, analyzing the guy, predicting the guy, projecting the guy.
Trump\'s the only person that can possibly beat Hillary Clinton, and if you don\'t support that, then you own it. You\'re gonna be a partial owner of the Clinton administration.
People that live in the Northeast are leaving the Northeast for a whole host of reasons. They\'re relocating in Southern states and Midwestern states - no-income-tax states, milder climate states - and it\'s affecting the balance of power in those states.
I am a conservative. I have said I don\'t know how many times, conservatism is an intellectual pursuit. And by that I mean liberalism\'s easy. Liberalism is the most gutless, easy choice. It\'s not even a choice. Liberalism is just, you feel it. And there\'s nothing hard about it at all. You don\'t even have to do anything. You just have to notice suffering and talk about how it. And you\'re a great, big-hearted, compassionate person.
Is it any wonder somebody like Donald Trump is racing through the presidential primary process?
The left know they don\'t have any popular support for what they really believe. They do know that, folks. They may never admit that but they know it. That\'s why everything has to be forced - and tthey don\'t care, by the way. They don\'t care. I mean, the fact that what they believe in doesn\'t have popular support does not slow them down at all.
Remember the first debate between [Mitt] Romney and [Barack] Obama? Let\'s revisit it for a second. It\'s interesting to note the way the Drive-Bys played it. The first Romney-Obama debate, there was real concern after that debate that Obama didn\'t show up.
There is not a scintilla of evidence that the Russians even are responsible for the leak of all of those John Podesta emails to WikiLeaks. You may think that you\'ve heard all these intelligence people running around saying that they have concluded that the Russians were trying to hack this and trying to hack that. That use of the word \"conclusion,\" by the way, is kind of like the use of the word \"claimed\" by the Drive-By Media.
Donald Trump is a way for people to get a message to the media: \"You\'re not fooling us anymore. We don\'t respect you. We don\'t like you. We have resented deeply what you\'ve tried to do to us and our candidates, so take this.\"
The Democrats don\'t like the Tea Party because the Tea Party engineered their defeat. The Republicans, some members, don\'t like the Tea Party because the Tea Party illustrates what they have to do to win and they\'re not really comfortable with that.
If you listen to Barack Obama, if you listen to Hillary Clinton, they\'re portraying Donald Trump as this deep, dark, dividing, dank presence that sees America as dwindling away and failing and everybody\'s in bad shape. They think they\'re the paragons of optimism.
I never talk about things that don\'t matter. I never talk about things that are unimportant. I always talk about things that interest me.
The left - which is run by Obama and Hillary Clinton and the hierarchy in the Democrat Party - is doing everything they can to undermine, to sabotage, and to prevent Trump from implementing his agenda. There\'s no question about it.
The loyalty to Hillary Clinton is party loyalty, and by the way, she has a lot of support simply based on the fact that we are despised, folks, conservatives, Republicans are literally hated, irrationally and inexplicably.
Donald Trump does what everybody who voted for him wishes would happen every time the left pipes up.