Jan 12, 1951 - Feb 17, 2021
American radio host, conservative political commentator and political leader
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The left looks at the Constitution and sees things that aren\'t there and then they find \'em. They look at things that are there and claim they\'re not there. Like the Second Amendment, nah, nah, it\'s not there, they really didn\'t intend that. No, no. Abortion. You can\'t find it, yeah, there it is, plain as day, see, it\'s right there in the 14th Amendment, the Tenth Amendment, the Ninth Amendment, the Fifth - no, it\'s not.
Domald Trump has whatever it is that works on television.
I think it\'s the entire Washington establishment that is against Trump.
Most of my life, everybody made more money than I did at the places I worked. In fact, when I\'ve been an employee, I have never been anywhere close to being the highest paid person there, never. I was working hard. I was working hard. I was doing things I didn\'t want to do, that I thought I should do. I was getting up every day, going to work, did not phone in sick. Striving. Trying to get ahead, you know, doing what Obama says, working hard and applying myself and trying to get ahead. There was always somebody, there were always a lot of people that earned more than I did.
George W. Bush did not go on television to trash [Donald] Trump.
Ohio, you\'re too white, too many white people to be in any way meaningful in a presidential election.
I\'m consistent, and they know I don\'t waver and all that. I\'m dependable.
Real income inequality is what we used to call striving and working hard to get ahead. Striving, educating ourselves, getting up and going to work, preparing, using our ambition, and, in that process, some people earned more and earned it sooner than others.
I can understand people wanting to look their best, and taking basic steps to do it, but I kind of admire people who are comfortable enough in their own skin to be who they are.
I\'ve never wavered, I\'ve never been a squish.
There\'s another totally fraudulent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Al Gore hadn\'t done anything but make a movie that itself was filled with misrepresentations about the amount of ice the poor polar bears have to live on, doctored photos. He said in his acceptance speech in 2007, getting a Nobel Peace Prize, that the North Pole would be ice free by 2013. Today the truth is, there is a record amount of arctic ice for this time of year. He couldn\'t have been more wrong.
Hillary Clinton doesn\'t have any natural talents. Hillary doesn\'t have any natural connection to people. Hillary doesn\'t have any charisma, magnetism. All of that has to be manufactured by the media.
Hillary Clinton trashes the banks every time she opens her mouth, and yet she made $21 million in two years making speeches to those very banks that she trashes every day.
A civil right is the most powerful right anybody can have. And people who oppose them are bigots. So you categorize what you want as a civil right, you immediately establish your opponent as a bunch of bigot hayseeds making it easier to defeat them.
It really gets tiresome to be constantly accused of spreading negativity about Barack Obama and the country. He\'s doing that on his own. We just chronicle it here.
Here\'s Hillary Clinton getting away with tying the Republicans to rich people. She\'s tying the Republican Party to Wall Street, to the big banks. She\'s tying the Republican Party to the financial crisis in 2008. It\'s all their fault. She\'s tying herself as with the low-income crowd - and the average, ordinary middle class American - as their champion, as their defender. They don\'t know that it\'s not the Republicans in bed with banks. They don\'t know that it\'s the banks that are practically paying for and underwriting the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton today.
[Gerald Rudolph ] Ford pardoned Richard Nixon to save everybody that, and the Democrats were ticked about it.
If you look at the New York Times, it says X; if you look at the Washington Post, it says the same thing. And if you turn on any television newscast it\'s the same thing you already heard, that\'s research. And that\'s one of the ways it\'s done. Authority ends up being imputed simply because of volume. I mean, all of these different news organizations reporting the exact same thing.
The leftists are constantly whining and moaning about all the money in politics. They want campaign finance reform, right? They want to get all the money out of politics. They want government money governing campaigns. They want all the money out, they say. But then you look at their coffers, and it\'s overflowing with hundreds of millions of dollars.
I mean there are a lot of people - maybe a lot, I know how many - who really thought that when [Donald] Trump said, \"You ought to be in jail,\" that they agreed with that and thought that she [Hillary Clinton] should be.
Not every corporation\'s idyllic.
Mass delusion is the result of the effort. Propaganda is one of the techniques. But it mentioned things like you create a consensus of something that\'s totally absurd. You get people believing something totally absurd, however that\'s done, and then the people with common sense come along and say, \"No, no, no. That\'s totally wrong,\" and they end up being the new kooks and weirdos. They are the ones society thinks are cockeyed and weird.
I\'m not singing the virtues of corporations simply \'cause they exist. But by the same token I\'m not gonna be like your average liberal and condemn them just because they exist.
Have you noticed that when it comes to immigration we ride herd on legal immigration pretty damn hard, and who is it that really is subject to most of the limits there? Have to say it's white immigrants.
It\'s a sad reality if a guy like Charles Koch doesn\'t qualify as a role model. It\'s just sad.
The problem with the world is that not enough nations are trying to emulate what Americans\'ve done.
I don\'t care if Trump has $100 billion. He\'s earned it. He\'s had a job. There are ways you can track what he has earned. The Clintons don\'t want to admit how they\'ve earned their money. They love to brag about their wealth, but how did they get it? Making speeches, $750,000 for one speech from a firm that now has close ties with Mrs. Clinton as a secretary of state and potentially as president? It\'s $750,000 for one speech.
Everybody\'s complaining about all of Trump\'s cabinet members, how rich they are, that\'s horrible. I\'d rather have that than a bunch of people in Obama\'s cabinet that have never spent a minute making a payroll, creating a job, or a service, or inventing a product. What the hell is there about academics from the faculty lounge who don\'t know what they\'re talking about other than theoretically. Why not have a bunch of people who have succeeded wildly, sharing what they know, implementing what they know nationwide? I would much rather have that.
Even CEOs police their own bureaucracy. Trump is not that. He does have more in common with these guys than most elected officials would have, particularly in the Obama administration. Obama didn\'t have anybody that\'d ever worked in the private sector. All they had is a bunch of theoreticians who thought they were smarter than everybody that runs businesses in the private sector. And who knows what kind of pressure was brought to bear. Remember, Obama\'s agenda was one that was to be governed against the will of the people.
I want the largest audience I can get, because that\'s how I can charge the highest advertising rate. Which means what else do I want? Money. I am trying to earn a profit. It\'s capitalism.