Jan 12, 1951 - Feb 17, 2021
American radio host, conservative political commentator and political leader
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After four years is when they [Barack Obama Justice Department] announced that no charges would be pursued and no prosecutions would be pursued [George W.Bush]. So Trump\'s got time, is the point, folks.
Conservatism in general is bad, and it\'s racist and sexist.
Leftists don\'t leave it at winning at the ballot box. If they lose at the ballot box, they force themselves on the country or society elsewhere.
The New York Times ran a story about [Jeff] Sessions meeting the Russian ambassador, and they ran Claire McCaskill\'s tweet excoriating Sessions for doing this and saying that he should resign. Well, then it was produced that Claire McCaskill had, in fact, sent two other tweets where she was bragging about having spent time with the Russian ambassador. So the New York Times, rather than print that, just removed her from the whole story.
The first thing you\'d have to do is be able to actually prove this linkage here, that there is an effort to sabotage, and what anybody would do is they would just laugh at you.\"This is because [Donald] Trump is elected; it\'s what Trump did.\"This is a battle for the minds and hearts of the American people is what\'s going on here. Somebody who knows more than I do is gonna have to proclaim that it\'s treasonous. But there\'s no question that they are trying to take Trump out.
It pains me, it really does, to learn that there are people that hate America. I wish there was something I could do about it. I don\'t want young people to be taken down the wrong path and taught to feel guilty or ashamed of their country, which is happening in way too many public schools.
So people that read the New York Times are not gonna have the slightest idea what really happened here. So not only are the Drive-Bys themselves a little dense and not curious and uninformed, so are all of their viewers and readers.
My father was only born something like 30 years after the Civil War ended, 35 or 40. He was born closer to that than the era in which he died. He was born in 1891, no television, no phones, barely any electricity. He wrote a book to all of us that was really just a compilation of the letters that he had written over the years to my grandmother when they were courting, in the horse and buggy era. Everybody said, \"When did you have time to do this?\" Relating their own lives to his. He said, \"What do you mean, when did I have time? This is all we did.\" There was no TV, none of that.
I cannot overemphasize this, the attitude, the defeatist attitude that everybody on the Republican side had.
It\'s all about raising more money. And they have to keep this alive, so Hillary [Clinton] got cheated.
Football is brutality. Football is career-ending, life-threatening injury just by stepping on the field.
The language doesn\'t mean anything anymore, folks. Truth doesn\'t mean anything anymore.
Liberals don\'t have a sense of humor, particularly if it\'s about them. You can\'t laugh at them, you can\'t mock them, you can\'t make fun of them like they can laugh at and mock and make fun of everybody else.
All the media is anymore is the Democrat Party\'s agenda, the Democrat Party\'s political desires and objectives presented as \"the news\" and also presented as popularly supported by the American people.
One Rockette, who\'s probably a lug head, doesn\'t even know which end\'s up or down, ends up making news, and the media loves to present it.
Young people have traditionally skewed left through generation after generation after generation. Exceptions to that, of course. I am one. I never have been a liberal. I rebelled against my parents, but not that way. Never been a liberal. Constitutionally incapable of being a liberal. Who knows why.
Do you know they\'ve already seen a drop of 37% in donations [for Clinton Global Initiative]? Now, if it\'s a charity, why a 37% drop? There\'s a 37% drop because the donors figured out the Clintons can\'t do anything for \'em anymore. That\'s not pretty.
Of course the media loves stuff like that so they find this one Rockette. It\'s like you can have 10,000 people at a rally for [Donald] Trump and 200 people outside, and the 200 people outside make the news.
The Democrats can\'t lose on their own. There always has to be some trick.
It\'s actually four, because the fifth state they get the advantage with a tie. It\'s literally four states out of 50, 57 if you\'re [Barack] Obama.
[Donald] Trump just said that he thinks his supporters will be okay and understanding with his decision not to prosecute the Clintons.
I was a normal kid. I rebelled. But I\'ve never been a liberal. And there have been all kinds of efforts to make me one. I\'ve not bothered to tell any of these stories. Folks, we all face them.
The Democrat Party is in as much trouble as the Republican Party is for different reasons. But if they have to go back to \"taxing the rich,\" if they have to go back to \"gun control,\" it is a sure sign things are in a state of great disarray. In addition, Mrs. Clinton wants to make abortions totally free for people on Medicaid.
The blacklist against people in the entertainment industry that show up for [Donald] Trump is worse than that blacklist you heard of in Hollywood back in the forties and fifties.
As far as [Donald] Trump and where he comes down on all this, I really don\'t know. My wild guess is that Trump is a celebrity and I think he thinks it would be pretty cool if he could get Elton John, if he could get some of these people to show up, but right now they won\'t, because I\'m gonna tell you something.
Most societies wipe themselves out and it\'s interesting to read about the last days of past civilizations. You\'ll note that the last days of past civilizations were filled with idiotic, irrational ideas and behaviors that couldn\'t be explained by reason.
Donald Trump has the media wrapped around his little finger. And this is a contributing factor to why so many people are bothered and upset, because even in the Republican establishment, the media is looked at as a legitimate player in the power arrangement of politics.
Most societies die of suicide, not attack.
There are ways for what has been going on at that foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, there are ways that that can be exposed and embarrass and humiliate and all that.
[Kellyanne] Conway had just explained how they won the presidency. They flipped over 200 counties, and she explained, \"Did you ever think, Jennifer [Palmieri], that maybe the problem is that people just don\'t like your candidate, that Hillary [Clinton] doesn\'t connect with people, that maybe people don\'t have anything in common with Hillary, that maybe they see Hillary as a man?\"