Jun 28, 1971 - Present
South African American entrepreneur and inventor best known for founding SpaceX
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When I was a child, there\'s one thing I said: \'I never want to be alone.\' That\'s what I would say. I don\'t want to be alone.
I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me.
I\'m anti-tax, but I\'m pro-carbon tax.
I think there should be regulations on social media to the degree that it negatively affects the public good.
With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there\'s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, and he\'s like, yeah, he\'s sure he can control the demon? Doesn\'t work out.
There\'s a silly notion that failure\'s not an option at NASA. Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.
A company is a group organized to create a product or service, and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. I just happen to be the face of the companies.
We can\'t have, like, willy-nilly proliferation of fake news. That\'s crazy. You can\'t have more types of fake news than real news. That\'s allowing public deception to go unchecked. That\'s crazy.
If you\'re entering anything where there\'s an existing marketplace, against large, entrenched competitors, then your product or service needs to be much better than theirs. It can\'t be a little bit better, because then you put yourself in the shoes of the consumer... you\'re always going to buy the trusted brand unless there\'s a big difference.
I think it\'s very important to have a feedback loop, where you\'re constantly thinking about what you\'ve done and how you could be doing it better. I think that\'s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, \'Nah, what\'s wrong with a horse?\' That was a huge bet he made, and it worked.
I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side.
I say something, and then it usually happens. Maybe not on schedule, but it usually happens.
Russia has at least 4 times more artillery than Ukraine and 10 times more ammunition. We have run out of normal ammo to send to Ukraine, so now send them cluster bombs in desperation, humiliating yourself without changing the result
America has always condemned as evil those who use cluster bombs. And now we send them for use? Nothing good will come of it. Fate loves irony but hates hypocrisy.
Technically, alcohol is a solution
The extension of life beyond Earth is the most important thing we can do as a species.
To our knowledge, life exists on only one planet, Earth. If something bad happens, it's gone. I think we should establish life on another planet-Mars in particular-but we 're not making very good progress. SpaceX is intended to make that happen.
It's really incumbent upon us as life's agents to extend life to another planet. I think that being a multi-planet species will significantly increase the richness and scope of the human experience.
You can just reload, propel it and fly again. This is extremely important for revolutionizing access to space because as long as we continue to throw away rockets and space crafts, we will never truly have access to space.
I realized that a methane-oxygen rocket engine could achieve a specific impulse greater than 380.
I've always wanted to be part of something that would radically change the world. . . . People forget the power of inspiration. All of humanity went to the moon with the Apollo missions. The issue was cost. There was no chance to build a base and create frequent flights. That's the problem I would like to solve.
It's just mind-blowingly awesome. I apologize, and I wish I was more articulate, but it's hard to be articulate when your mind's blown-but in a very good way.
Biofuels such as ethanol require enormous amounts of cropland and end up displacing either food crops or natural wilderness, neither of which is good.
People should pursue what they're passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.
It was obvious to me that we could never colonize Mars without reusability, any more than America would have been colonized if they had to burn the ships after every trip.
People often mistake technology for a static picture. It's less like a picture and more like a movie. It's the velocity of technology innovation that matters. It's the acceleration.
No I don't ever give up. I would have to be dead or completely incapacitated
I started SpaceX with the expectation of failure.
If you're co-founder or CEO, you have to do all kinds of tasks you might not want to do... If you don't do your chores, the company won't succeed... No task is too menial.