Jun 28, 1971 - Present
South African American entrepreneur and inventor best known for founding SpaceX
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We lay down ideological biases, but the pursuit of truth must be a priority.
The internet is now overloaded with AI-generated data, making it difficult to find the truth.
If an AI has a slight ideological bias, it can cause enormous damage when supported by a superintelligence.
Many things are highly likely to be true, but there will still be mistakes, and that\'s okay.
Pursuing truth is the foundation of security and long-term success.
The objective function can have unintended consequences if one is not very careful in its design.
Optimizing something that shouldn\'t exist is the most common mistake smart engineers make.
Removing processes is really painful, but necessary to avoid unnecessary things.
If a car has half the horsepower of its competitors, even the best driver will lose.
What is needed to win is the most powerful learning resources, and the rate of their improvement must be faster than that of others.
It\'s just obvious that Biden is not in charge. It\'s obvious that Kamala is not in charge. They\'re just replacing the Biden puppet with the Kamala puppet... as far as I can tell, it\'s not just one puppeteer, there are many. But it would be interesting to see the overlap between Epstein\'s client list and Kamala\'s puppeteers. I bet there are a lot of names on both lists.
Quantity never compensates for talent.
There is no choice, you need to kill those who insist on killing civilians.
He does things that undermine the fabric of civilization by getting district attorneys elected who refuse to prosecute criminals. Soros realized that you don\'t have to change the laws. You just need to change the way you use them.
Iran wants war. Look how close to our military bases they have placed their country!
There\'s a fundamental difference, if you sort of look into the future, between a humanity that is a space-faring civilization, that\'s out there exploring the stars...compared with one where we are forever confined to Earth until some eventual extinction event.
I always see what's... wrong. Would you want that? When I see a car or a rocket or spacecraft, I only see what's wrong. I never see what's right. It's not a recipe for happiness.
Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.
Does the logic connect? What are the range of probably outcomes? You want to figure out what those probabilities are and ideally be the House. It\'s fine to gamble, as long as you\'re the House. Also, listen to critical feedback, particularly from friends. Generally they will be thinking it but they won\'t tell you.
In almost any industry, if you\'re passionate about doing a great job and making people that buy your product or service as happy as possible, it\'s really fulfilling.
Let\'s think beyond the normal stuff and have an environment where that sort of thinking is encouraged and rewarded and where it\'s okay to fail as well. Because when you try new things, you try this idea, that idea... well a large number of them are not gonna work, and that has to be okay. If every time somebody comes up with an idea it has to be successful, you\'re not gonna get people coming up with ideas.
I'm nauseatingly pro-American. I would have come here from any country. The U.S. is where great things are possible.
Going from PayPal, I thought: \'Well, what are some of the other problems that are likely to most affect the future of humanity?\' Not from the perspective, \'What\'s the best way to make money?\'
The only reason I was able to accomplish things is the great people willing to work with me. A company is a group of people organized to create a product or service, and that product or service is only as good as the people in the company - and how excited they are about creating it. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. Without them, I would have accomplished very little. I just happen to be the face of the companies.
I think it\'s important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy. The normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. [With analogy] we are doing this because it\'s like something else that was done, or it is like what other people are doing. [With first principles] you boil things down to the most fundamental truths...and then reason up from there.
Talent is extremely important. It\'s like a sports team, the team that has the best individual player will often win, but then there's a multiplier from how those players work together and the strategy they employ.
Focus on something that has high value to someone else, be really rigorous in making that assessment, because natural human tendency is wishful thinking, so the challenge to entrepreneurs is telling what\'s the difference between really believing in your ideals and sticking to them as opposed to pursuing some unrealistic dream that doesn\'t actually have merit, be very rigorous in your self analysis, certainly being extremely tenacious, and just work like hell. Put in 80-100 hours every week. All these things improves the odds of success
You want to have a future where you're expecting things to be better, not one where you're expecting things to be worse.
Don't just follow the trend. You may have heard me say that it's good to think in terms of the physics approach of first principles. Which is, rather than reasoning by analogy, you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine and you reason up from there.