All My Quotes
One girl is an option, two girls is an alternative, three girls is a choice!
Author Unknown
The night fairy does not trade in the body, but in a rare commodity - the absence of morning complaints.
Author Unknown
Education is the skeleton of knowledge on which life strings the meat of experience.
Author Unknown
The United States of America is not the Russian-speaking eastern border of Ukraine. The real national security interests of the United States are the border in the Rio Grande Valley and South Texas!
Steve Bannon
The Republican establishment is trying to nullify the 2016 election. That's a brutal fact we have to face.
Bannon, Steve
I totally respect the pope, and I totally respect the Catholic bishops and cardinals on doctrine.
Bannon, Steve
I think Mitch McConnell and, to a degree, Paul Ryan - they do not want Donald Trump's populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented. It's very obvious.
Bannon, Steve
Donald Trump has a grasp on what's important and what's marginalia.
Bannon, Steve
The Tea Party in the United States' biggest fight is with the the Republican establishment, which is really a collection of crony capitalists that feel that they have a different set of rules of how they're going to comport themselves and how they're going to run things.
Bannon, Steve
Trump is a product of a seething populism and nationalism that is the driving political force.
Bannon, Steve
It's a very unpleasant topic. But we are in an outright war against jihadist Islamic fascism. And this war is, is, I think, metastasizing, almost far quicker than governments can handle it... We have Boko Haram and other groups that will eventually partner with ISIS in this global war.
Bannon, Steve
In the White House, I had influence. At Breitbart, I had power.
Bannon, Steve
The Clinton strength was to play to people without a college education. High school people. That's how you win elections.
Bannon, Steve
My old firm, Goldman Sachs - traditionally, the best banks are leveraged 8:1. When we had the financial crisis in 2008, the investment banks were leveraged 35:1. Those rules had specifically been changed by a guy named Hank Paulson. He was secretary of Treasury.
Bannon, Steve
I think that most people in the Middle East, at least 50%, believe in being sharia-compliant. If you're sharia-compliant or want to impose sharia law, the United States is the wrong place for you.
Bannon, Steve
The media here is the opposition party. They don't understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.
Bannon, Steve
As the Executive Chairman of 'Breitbart News' with a long run in business and finance, I can tell you, it's hard to run a company that is infinitesimally smaller than Fox; it takes a steady and experienced hand.
Bannon, Steve
What I find shocking is that there's this thought process that Hillary Clinton is going to be president of the United States, and to even think of Donald Trump is a joke.
Bannon, Steve
We're at economic war with China. It's in all their literature. They're not shy about saying what they're doing.
Bannon, Steve
The American television industry is a Darwinian environment where success is usually measured in inches, not yards. That is, for most TV media, audiences have gotten so small that one measures 'victories' in tenths of a point - as in, a 2.2 percent share is a great leap over a 2.1 percent share.
Bannon, Steve
The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence, and no hard work. You're the opposition party. Not the Democratic Party. You're the opposition party. The media's the opposition party.
Bannon, Steve
Breitbart is the most pro-Israel site in the United States of America.
Bannon, Steve
I've studied documentarians extensively to come up with my own in-house style. I'm a student of Michael Moore's films, of Eisenstein, Riefenstahl. Leave the politics aside, you have to learn from those past masters on how they were trying to communicate their ideas.
Bannon, Steve
Here's the problem of the Democratic Party... There's no Breitbart. The problem in the Democratic Party? They haven't had a civil war.
Bannon, Steve
What built America's called the American system, from Hamilton to Polk to Henry Clay to Lincoln to the Roosevelts. A system of protection of our manufacturing, financial system that lends to manufacturers, OK, and the control of our borders.
Bannon, Steve
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